
Our Educational Call to Arms興学社学園の教育を通して志望校合格を勝ち取った卒業生たちが、新たに受験生となった中学3年生を対象に、合格体験を発表します。受験生としてどのような1年を過ごしたのか、どのように悩みや困難を乗り越えてきたのか、ありのままの様子を語ってもらいます。また、体験発表以外にも、様々な演目や映像の演出によって、生徒のやる気に火をつけます。東京会場・千葉会場と分かれて実施され、生徒のみならず保護者も多く参加する興学社学園の代表的なイベントです。
Our students who used their Kohgakusha Education to battle their way to their first choice school present their own experiences to our newest batch of third year middle-school students who are set to take on their own challenges during the next exam season. They will find out what the year ahead has in store for them, as their seniors share with them warts and all their experiences over the last year of study, the troubles and pitfalls they faced, and how they overcame them. In addition to hearing these testimonies, students will be treated to performances and films, to help raise their enthusiasm. This event is held in both Tokyo and Chiba, with not only students but many parents and guardians also attending, making it the Kohgakusha event.

Intensive Summer Retreat興学社学園では、「合宿教育」を重要視しています。毎年8月に5日間にわたって実施される「夏期特訓合宿」では、多くの受験生が一回りも二回りも成長して帰ってきます。普段学んでいる教室から離れ、日常とは違う空間で新しい仲間たちと力を合わせて合宿を乗り越えることで、飛躍的な学力、成績アップのきっかけとなり、受験に向けての大きなエネルギーとなっています。夏期特訓合宿の記録は文集『栄光への夏』にまとめられ、そこには5日間の成長と感動の物語が記されています。
At Kohgakusha we place great value on the importance of educational retreats and residential events. Every August we see students making progress over 5 days which would usually take twice or even three times as long over. Finding themselves in a new space far removed from their day to day lives, students are able to make new friends and work together. With this retreat not only being the start of their education developing in leaps and bounds and the great results which follow, this also serves to set the stage to prepare students for their upcoming exams. These Intensive Summer Retreats are recorded and collected as “The Summer to Glory” making up a moving tale of how much our students can grow over 5 days.

A Year full of Events興学社学園の誇る「イベント力」によって、生徒のやる気を引き出します。年間を通して様々なイベントが実施されます。イベントは動機付けの原泉であり、日々の授業だけでは得られない学習効果をもたらします。また、興学社学園の提唱する「協育」は、生徒本人・保護者・教育者の三位一体の教育であり、保護者面談をはじめ、保護者会や教育講演会なども充実しています。
Our esteemed principle of Extra Curricular Involvement brings out enthusiasm in our students. Throughout the year we hold various events firing up our students’ enthusiasm and gaining results which cannot be won from day to day classes. Moreover, Kohgakusha’s “Cooperative Education” approach brings together the three driving forces of an education - the student, guardian and educator. To this end, we keep a cons

Hands On Experiences普段の教室内の学習だけでは得られない感動を体験してもらうため、年間を通して様々な体験学習の機会を用意しています。興学社学園は、知識以上に体験が大切であるという考えのもと、アクティビティーを重視しています。体験学習を通して生徒のやる気を引き出し、日々の学習につなげていきます。
Throughout the year we have prepared a range of hands on experiences to offer students the opportunity to participate in experiences which can unlock a passion in them, inaccessible through regular classes. We at Kohgakusha feel that experience trumps knowledge and place great value on event activities as a result. These experiences not only bring out great eagerness in students, but it also brings what they have learned to their lives outside the classroom.

“English Education” Program興学社学園では世界の共通語である「英語教育」に重点を置いています。英語教育を通して、テストの点数や成績では測ることのできない「生きる力」を養成していきます。また、2020年に向けての英語教育改革への対応に積極的に取り組み、4技能(読む・書く・聞く・話す)の習得に力を入れています。
At Kohgakusha we recognize that English is a global language and the importance of an ‘English Education’. An English Education instills great life skills which cannot be measured simply with test results. It is with an eye on the 2020 goals to improve English teaching in Japan that we are putting an increased emphasis on the 4 key skills of English - reading, writing, listening and speaking.